Saturday, March 14, 2009

Clean that yucky microwave!

How sad is it when you can get so excited for an easy way to clean the microwave. Has everyone known about this and failed to tell me? I had heard of a Mr. Clean product several years ago that supposedly worked wonders. I've been looking at all the local stores for one, couldn't find it, so resorted to the internet for research. I tried one that looked simple enough and would you believe it worked!?

Here goes:
Put about 2 cups of water in a pyrex measuring cup or something similar. Add about 2 tablespoons of lemon or lime juice. Put in the microwave and nuke for 2 -3 minutes. Wipe clean with paper towels. The steam created makes the ick come off the top, sides and bottom of the microwave a cinch. The juice makes it smell so clean! I did have to take the tray out and wash in the sink, but the other was clean in literally 2 minutes! Whew! It was so easy. Maybe now I won't have butter/margarine stalagtites on the ceiling of my microwave anymore! Plus for all you "greenies" out there, no chemicals were used or harmed in the cleaning of this microwave!


Rhonda said...


Oh my! I forgot! Okay, I'm headin' out to UPS this morning....Oh my gosh....I put them down in my garage before Spring Break by my car, and with everything going on, completely let them escape my focus...Shocker, I know. I'm so sorry.....Can you email me your address ONE MORE TIME!


Rhonda said...

Hey Connie.

Mailed them this afternoon. Due to arrive, via UPS, on Thursday.

So sorry to be so slow!


Rhonda said...


Call me! I left my old phone w your no. in it in Cabo, so I can't call you at the moment til I find your number, but I forgot to include my check with those tee's.....Putting it in the mail either this pm if I can't get to the PO or in the am....So SORRY!
