The other night, I (Gigi) told Grandy about a riding toy I had seen at Target that I thought would be good for Colton's first birthday, and since they were filling a crate, the time to buy it would be while we were in Orlando. He simply said, "I'm buying him a Gator." I said, "WHAT!?" For those of you uneducated in the world of battery operated riding toys, a Gator is probably the biggest. It is a scaled down replica of a John Deere Gator used by many farmers, ranchers, hunters, etc. for all kinds of chores on their properties. It has a 12 volt battery and will support up to 180 pounds. It has a dumpable back end so you can dump whatever you want to put in it. It even has cupholders for the driver and passenger. They are great, but are made for 2 1/2-3 year olds up! There is no way Colton would be able to drive it by himself for at least 1 1/2 years. However, Grandy had thought it through and said the same argument I had used....."since they are getting a moving crate, now it the time to do it. Ross and Lindsay will have to figure out how to store it!"
Being the considerate Mother-in-Law I try to be, I told Lindsay about it. She could Veto it if she wanted to and I would understand. This thing is huge. However, she said that if we wanted to do it, she would support it. Ross was totally on board as I think he still thinks like a 5-6 year old when it comes to toys and could envision Colton on it.
So, we borrowed a truck to pick it up and the rest as they say is history. What I really want to see is the reaction of the Italians when they see Colton tooling around Florence on his way to the park (about 200 yards from their house Ross says) So funny. I'm sure they will think it is one more way Americans are excessive, but I wouldn't give anything for the look on Grandy's face when he brought it in and helped Ross put it together. So much fun!
We ate, played, and Gigi got to feed me my veggies, fruit and cereal all weekend! Grandy and Daddy worked on the bathroom(s) and put in new toilets, whatever they are.
We really had a wonderful time with Lindsay, Ross and Colton over this Memorial Day weekend. We shopped, buying lots of great things for Colton to wear over the next year.....predicting his size can be tricky, but many bargains and cute things for him later, it was so fun to help choose some of his wardrobe!